Opening and closing hours :
Monday - Friday, 07h30 - 15h30. The offices are closed on week-ends and holydays.
For calling us :
+237 691813905 / +237 691812428 / +237 691812493
For mailing us :
WhatsApp : +237 691813905 / Telegram : +237 691813905
Email :
For sending us a letter :
BP. 7236 Douala - Cameroun
For sending us a folder :
Campus 1 is located in Yabassi, Ndogkoko district at the Government Bilingual High School.
Campus 2 is located in Yabassi, at the former Town Hall of Yabassi.
The annexe offices are located in Douala, Ndog-bong district, near the IUT of Douala.
The Tropical Aquaculture Center is located in Bona'Anja-Siga Bonjo in the Wouri-Bwelé Canton (Yabassi).